When seasoned sales professionals attend Quid Pro Quo Sales Training they become bewildered when they are told they must control the sales cycle.

Many believe in the rules of engagement as they relate to selling. But, did you know that using these rules puts you in a subservient position with your customer or potential customer.

Here are a few of the rules of engagement.  Take the Quiz, to see if you are selling in a subservient position. Answers at the end:

  1. True or False: The customer prospect is always right?
  2. True or False: You can’t sell over the phone?
  3. True or False: People only buy from people they like?
  4. True or False: You can’t control the sales cycle as a salesperson?
  5. True or False: You can’t say no to a prospect?
  6. True or False: You can’t take control of the sales cycle?
  7. True or False: Prospects usually buy the vendor with the lowest price?
  8. True or False: Executives are not really interested in your solution?
  9. True or False: Closing is the most important part of the sales cycle?

How Do You Control the Sales Cycle?

Instead of believing in the selling Rules of Engagement, you need training for Quid Pro Quo selling,  which means an exchange of value for something of equal value and you must use a consultative sales approach.

As a sales professional learn how to receive more than a “yes” or “no” at the conclusion of your sales cycle. It’s up to you to take control of the opportunities presented to you and taking control of the sales cycle can net you awesome results.

Answers: Questions 1-9:  False

If you answered yes to any of the questions, it's time for you to invest in yourself with training and learn the art of Quid Pro Quo selling.

Wherever you are in your journey to become a sales expert or top salesperson, in order to be the best in your field, you need to demonstrate excellent follow up with your customers or potential customers.

You must follow up regularly, and frequently, because you will never know when someone you know will have a need for what you sell. In order to be as successful, you must stay in front of your potential target market in a variety of ways.

One way to develop the skill of follow‐up is to start by building your reputationas someone who is trustworthy and reliable. Start a regular schedule of follow up visits with your clients and potential clients. Set these up at mutually convenient days and times, and make sure that there isn't too much time between follow up contacts. People can forget about you if too much time passes.

In my Quid Pro Quo Sales Training method, I teach that it is fine to follow up in whatever way works best - you can do this in person, by telephone, or email. But commit to the follow‐up, and follow‐up regularly. Your clients should know when they will hear from you again, and you need to deliver on the expectation.

While follow up is important at all points in the sales cycle, it is especially important after a sale. This doesn't have to be a big deal. It only takes a quick call and a few minutes of time to confirm that client's belief that it was a good decision to buy from you. You can also send a handwritten note if you prefer, it's up to you. But whichever method you choose, again, you must follow‐up after the sale.

Being consistent with follow up comes down to demonstrating discipline and good time management. Today, there are a lot of technology tools which can help you. Plan your follow up calls daily. Get in the habit of connecting with a few people each day. If you focus on following up with just 1 person a day, you could realistically be in touch with 365 people in one year. That's a lot of follow up. If you were able to even double or triple that on some days, you might be able to follow up with 500–700 people a year. That's a lot of follow up.

Consider how you can demonstrate good follow up, and make a plan to make this happen.

After all, that's what Quid Pro Quo Sales training is all about.

Part of Quid Pro Quo Sales Training is helping you build sound business relationships with your client or prospect.  Let’s take a look at a few things you need to do:

    •    Show interest in your client or prospect
    •    Be friendly
    •    Be nice

Believe it or not, most of your clients will know when you are being sincere and know when you don’t have much interest.  This can have a major impact on your sales outcome.

What’s the secret? You need to make your client feel unique and important. That’s how successful salespeople get tagged with “sales expert” or “sales guru.”  Right from their initial meeting, they focus on building trust and a mutual understanding which helps to maintain good rapport. 

Building the relationship can’t be empahsized enough. Your client needs to feel that you have their interests at heart. When a client feels like this you have their best interest at heart and if a mistake should happen they are more likey to forgive the miscommunication.  Customer retention needs to be your #1 priority.  You need to continuously work on keeping the relationship strong.

There are consequences when you fail to build that all important relationship with your client.  You open the door and allow your competition to enter.  
By developing a winning relationship you are able to work through probelms and/or find solutions. It’s respect of each other, working together.

If you feel you are not developing your business relationships and keeping them, you should consider Quid Pro Quo Sales Training. It will help give you new ideas and techniques to build a winning business relationship.